Assurena Insurance Agency is an independent insurance brokerage agency that carries some of the best coverage options in the entire New USA.

Our Contacts

88 Centre Street North,
Toronto L4W 1C9
+1 (419)-507-0468
+1 (213)-345-0468

Working Hours

9.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 4.00

Enrollment Checklist - Applicant’s

    Applicant’s Last Name:

    Applicant’s First Name:

    Florida Blue is required by Medicare to contact you within 15 days of receiving your enrollment application. Within the next 15 days you will receive a letter from Florida Blue to verify that the Medicare Advantage or Part D Prescription Drug plan was fully explained. This will not affect your ability to enroll in the plan.
    Your sales agent will review the following questions with you to verify that the Medicare Advantage or Part D Prescription Drug plan was fully explained. Check Yes or No as appropriate.

    For Medicare Advantage plans:

    Do you understand that you have applied for a Medicare Advantage plan? This plan is not a Medicare Supplement “Medigap” plan. This plan replaces Original Medicare.

    Do you understand that to enroll you must be “entitled” to Part A and enrolled in Part B?

    Do you understand you must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium (unless it is paid for you by Medicaid or another third party)?

    For Part D Prescription Drug plans

    Did the sales agent fully explain the prescription deductible associated with the plan (if applicable), and the amount?

    Do you understand you have applied for a Part D Prescription Drug plan?

    Do you understand to enroll you must have Medicare Part A and/or Part B?

    For All plans:

    Did the sales agent fully explain your premium, benefits, copays, and coinsurance amounts?

    Did the sales agent show you the Summary of Benefits and give you a copy?

    Did the sales agent give you their contact information? (name, phone or business card)

    Did the sales agent explain the plan’s drug list (also referred to as a formulary) and drug tiers?

    Did the sales agent explain the coverage gap, sometimes referred to as the doughnut hole?

    Do you understand that in most cases you must use a pharmacy in our drug plan network?

    Did the sales agent confirm that your prescription drugs are covered under the plan’s drug list?

    Do you understand if you enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan and later decide to make a change, under most circumstances you are able to do so during the Annual Enrollment Period, October 15 -December 7 each year?

    Drug Information
    Drug NameCoveredTierCostB vs. D*PAQty LimitsStep Therapy

    *Some drugs may be covered under Medicare Part B or Part D. To determine coverage under the appropriate Medicare benefit, your doctor is required to submit a Medicare Part B vs. D coverage determination form to Florida Blue to obtain prior approval for these medications before the prescription is filled.

    Only for HMO & PPO plans

    Did the sales agent fully explain the medical deductible associated with the plan, (if applicable), and the amount?

    Do you understand that you must use in-network health care providers to get the in-network benefits, copays and coinsurances?

    Do you understand that if you use out-of-network health care providers you will likely pay higher out-ofpocket costs? (Note: HMO members are not covered out-of-network, except in emergencies, urgent care and out-of-area dialysis.)

    Did the sales agent confirm that your doctor(s) is(are) in-network for the plan that you selected?

    Provider information
    Provider’s NamePar/Non-ParProvider’s Complete Address


    My agent and I have reviewed all my doctor(s), hospital(s) and prescription drug(s) that I have provided today. We have discussed each provider’s participating status within my plan as well as my cost share and any requirements or limits regarding my prescription drug(s). I understand that some network providers may be added or removed from the network at any time. For any additional providers or to get the most up-to-date information about my plan’s network providers for my area or my prescription drugs, I will visit or call the Member Services Department at 1-800-926-6565, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. local time, seven days a week from October 1 - March 31, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas. From April 1 - September 30, we are open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. local time except for Federal holidays. (TTY users should call 1-800-955-8770.)

    Applicant’s Signature:

    Agent’s Signature:

    This information is available for free in other languages. Please call our Customer Service number at 1-855-601-9465. (TTY users should call 1-800-955-8770.) Hours are 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. local time, seven days a week from October 1 to March 31, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas. From April 1 to September 30, we are open Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., local time.

    Esta informaciÃģn estÃĄ disponible de manera gratuita en otros idiomas. Comuníquese con AtenciÃģn al cliente al 1-855-601-9465. ( Usuarios de equipo telescritor TTY llamen al 1-800-955-8773.) Estamos abiertos de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. hora local los siete días de la semana, desde el 1 de octubre hasta el 31 de marzo, excepto el día de AcciÃģn de Gracias (Thanksgiving) y el día de Navidad. Desde el 1 de abril al 30 de septiembre, estamos abiertos de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m. hora local.

    Florida Blue is a PPO, RPPO and Rx (PDP) Plan with a Medicare contract. Florida Blue Medicare is an HMO Plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Florida Blue or Florida Blue Medicare depends on contract renewal.

    Health coverage is offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, D/B/A Florida Blue. HMO coverage is offered by Florida Blue Medicare, Inc., an HMO affiliate of Florida Blue. These companies are independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.